On the twelfth of July 2014, the congregation of the Augustinians of the Assumption has received three new religious. It is a cheerful day in the province of Africa, especially in the eastern Africa Region.
In fact, after one year full of formation for these young brothers, it has pleased the provincial superior and his council, after analyzing the reports made on :Joel MAYAKA, Joseph MWINGANIZA and Ignatius NGOYOOYO, to accept them as allowed to pronounce their vows, and thus to become full members of the congregation. This good news warmed the Novitiate community, especially these three brothers who, after spending a long time of fear and sorrow waiting for their result, come to rejoice receiving answer to their application. Not after longtime, in gladness and cheerfulness, the three brothers start their retreat on 2nd of July and ended it on 10th, the same month. Eight days in reflecting on their life, their choice and their future, have been enough for these dear brothers to prepare their engagement to commit themselves in God's vine as religious Augustinians of the Assumption.
In collaboration, father Simon NJUGUNA WAWERU, regional superior and father Yves KAGHOMA, novice master, found better to set up the profession on 12th July. The mass has taken place in the hall of the assumption primary school at Kijenge assumption school in Arusha Tanzania. The mass started at 3:45 and ended at 6:30. The presence of religious families represented in Arusha was remarkable, especially the Assumption families underlining some religious of the assumption from Moshi, at around 80 km.
The mass was leaded by father Simon NJUGUNA, surrounded by four priests, both Assumptionists. Readings were respectively taken from Is 43, 1-7, 2Cor.4, 1-7, and Jn15, 1-8. in his homely, father Simon has first of all, expressed his worry remembering many brothers who did the same by professing the vows in East Africa region and who are no longer there. it is a painful experience to think about this situation, he said. Meanwhile, it was a challenge addressed to the three brothers eager to make their vows not to take them as practical jokes, but as a serious engagement which involves their being and in which themselves are involved.
Then heading, he explained that Isaiah was a prophet to people exile. His mission was to give them hope which is important in life of all Christian. Hope is nourished by faith. Isaiah is delivering a message of hope. "Why are we here?” Israelites were wondering. They found that they have sinned. Over their faith, Israelites were supposed to be forgiver for, to be a true child of God; our forgiveness must act beyond our justice; because the proper of justice is to reply consequently from what is done towards us. Hence the principle you have insulted me, I also insult you. You have beaten me, I do so to you. But 'love must watch over our justice', he said. God is love, God is forgiveness and if we want to be his children, let us cultivate love among us and around and forgive our fellow mistaken. moreover, we have to be faithful to God, recognize our sinful nature and come back to him for he tells us that he is with us and he want to always be with us. That is a great message. God loves us and want to keep us safe. Unfortunately, we are able to leave him, to leave his commandments by our weakness. Someone who vows is called to fulfill his promise. Even though we can fall, let us recognize our wickedness and our weakness and always be ready to confess our sins and work, out of his love, in faith and confidence. Wherever we go, let us recognize that we are creatures of God and find our refuge in him. That is why, Saint Paul, talking difficulties in mission, he held on following the Christ. Despite his weakness, he worked hard in hope in Jesus Christ. All of us are weak, but God helps us. We should not give us and accept to suffer because of our wickedness, but because of goodness. In this way, we shall bear fruit as well as Jesus wants it to be. This is possible in the only condition to being bounded in him who is the true vine. The love of Christ must direct us in working together. The coming of these young brothers is a gift. "You should be ready to fulfill your vows", he told them. You are making a promise, persevere in prayer. Our vows must unite us to God so that we may bear fruit. Don't accept spiritual death. By vows, we tie ourselves. We should not delay to accomplishing it, he insisted.
After mass came the time for eating, drinking and dancing. it has been a nice experience and reminded more than one soul that he should deepen his sense of Christianity, especially religious, to deepen the meaning of their vows. The feast ended at 10:00 pm.
May Assumption live
jeudi 24 juillet 2014
lundi 21 juillet 2014
La célébration
a été présidée par Mgr Gaétan Proulx (évêque auxiliaire à Québec), assisté du
Père Marcel Poirier (supérieur de la communauté assomptionniste du Montmartre).
Elle a rassemblé plus de 150 personnes dans la chapelle du Centre – dont plusieurs
prêtres, incluant les Pères Roland Guilmain et Claude Grenache venus
spécialement des États-Unis pour l’occasion.
On avait pris
soin d’intégrer, dans la liturgie, des éléments évoquant les origines de nos
trois ordinants. Ainsi, la célébration comportait des chants et des lectures en
swahili et en vietnamien. Les chants en français et la litanie des Saints,
quant à eux, étaient assurés par trois religieuses Dominicaines Missionnaires
Adoratrices. L’Évangile, extrait de saint Jean (15, 9-17) nous a rappelé le
commandement de l’amour : «Aimez-vous les uns les autres comme je vous ai
aimés. Il n’y a pas de plus grand amour que de donner sa vie pour ceux qu’on
Après le rite
d’ordination, nos trois nouveaux diacres ont revêtu l’étole et la dalmatique
confectionnés avec soin, pour chacun d’eux, par le Frère Pierre-Jean Genest.
Après la
célébration, un vin d’honneur a été offert dans le hall du Centre. Par la
suite, plus de 130 convives ont pu continuer de fraterniser avec nos nouveaux
diacres à l’occasion d’un délicieux banquet servi dans la salle Marie-Guyart du
ordonné, Joseph retournera au Congo cet automne afin d’y faire son stage
diaconal. Pour leur part, Ai et Gaston effectueront leur stage (à raison de 4
jours par semaine) dans des paroisses du Diocèse de Québec.
ordination de nos trois frères assomptionnistes est un événement communautaire
et ecclésial qui restera marqué dans nos mémoires et dans nos cœurs. En leur souhaitant
le plus fructueux des ministères, permettez-moi de conclure par une prière à
leur intention :
puissant de qui vient tout don parfait, enracine en leur cœur l’amour et le
service du prochain; resserre leurs liens avec toi, afin qu’ils soient de bons
pasteurs à ton image; et que ta grâce les accompagne dans leur ministère en vue
de la construction du corps du Christ. Amen.
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